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2025 Incoming Frosh Info

We will be in touch via email with 2025 incoming Freshman after May 1st (CIF Rule). There will be a parent meeting scheduled for May. At that meeting, we will provide incoming Freshman parents with ALL needed information for the summer and fall 2025. If you have immediate questions, please email our liaison at
The only things that need to be done prior to the parent meeting in May is to: Register for your High School choice and enroll in Football PE when class selection occurs.
Meeting date will be communicated after May 1st.

Welcome to Torrey Pines Football

Slides From Parent Meeting 2024:


This is our summer workout program.  Summer weights will start June 1st  and run through the week of July 28th. If you want to register now, please use the “Contributions/Payment Info” section below. By registering there, you can pay for the 2025 fair share, per-player contribution as well as the cost of  2025 Summer Weights. 


Each summer, there is a two-week period where there are no football activities.  This year’s no-contact period July 4th-20th.  This is a great time to take a vacation.  

Contribution/Payment Info:

Family Sponsorship is a great way to pay the cost of summer weights and the per-player fair share contribution and pick up some great perks along the way! Each of our options can be split into monthly payments or paid all at once.


This website is a great resource for both athletes and parents.  The website will be updated throughout the season with the most up-to-date and relevant information.  You can even sync your calendar with a parent-specific calendar, or the athlete’s team calendar so you stay up to date with practice schedules, games, team meetings and more.  

Parents, sign up to receive Torrey Pines football news and updates by clicking on the “newsletter signup” link located at the top right corner of this website or click the button below.  From there you can signup to receive Varsity, JV, or Frosh team info right in your inbox.      

Text Message:
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*Note: These are not team-specific updates, but important reminders related to the overall program.  

Feel free to contact our liaisons if you have any questions. 

Go Falcons!

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